The largest (and physically smallest) thing on my mind the last few months has been whether or not to expand our family.
In late January, I had some ovarian cyst issues that necessitated a temporary change in birth control. J and I discussed throughout February whether or not we thought we were really done having children. I think since Alanna was about 5 we had decided we were done with one. We even got rid of almost all of our baby stuff from the shed that summer; we have one bin left of the cutest of the baby things that we thought she may want someday when she's an adult.
We never really landed on Wanting to have another child, but we landed on not wanting to regret not trying for another. So by March we were visiting the dr to discuss my medications and see what we should do if we wanted to try to have another baby. Basically, the answer was get off of the Trazodone and the Ambien. I'd already given up caffeine and started eating breakfast (yay, those two habits actually stuck!), so the rest of it seemed pretty straight forward.
We determined that we didn't really want our children much more than 8 years apart, so we gave ourselves a super small window to work with and declared it up to fate and the powers that be to determine if we ended up getting pregnant.
I'm 7.5 weeks pregnant--apparently we're fertile, and the powers that be have one hell of a sense of humor. The lima bean appears to be doing well so far, but is literally sucking all of the energy out of me. It's all I can do to make it through the day and not just collapse when I get home. So much for any to do list. Oh and that voice in my head that's constantly chattering about things that I need to get done has been suspiciously quiet. Too quiet even (never thought I'd say that!); it's almost like my brain has gone blank.
It's been a hard few weeks. I know everything will be fine and that this is a blessing and that Alanna will be a fantastic big sister. But I can't help wondering "What the hell was I thinking??!!!" I found out I was pregnant literally about the same week I had decided that maybe it wasn't such a good idea for us to be trying. After all, I have an unemployed husband half-way through going back to school, I have no baby stuff, I have a small house where I will need to redo the downstairs bedroom for when Alanna wants her own room, I have our bedroom to rethink so the baby can be in there for the first year or so, I have a little girl who is such a good girl that I'm scared that this will upset the apple cart (someone told me that her brother is 7 years older than she is and that he declared she was the worst thing to ever happen to him), etc. etc. Basically, it comes down to being far more scared than excited. It doesn't help that I see babies EVERYWHERE now as well---it's some mass conspiracy from the universe.
I'm not sure how much of it is real either, which doesn't help matters. Without the medication, I've not been sleeping well. I finally did have to acquiesce to 1/2 an ambien nightly with the dr's blessing, but it still doesn't give me much in the sleep department. I had my last "official" appointment with C a couple weeks ago, which should have been a major milestone, yet all I can think of is maybe I wasn't ready, maybe I can't do this on my own, maybe I'm not sane enough.
J has been wonderful and supportive, but I know my fear wears on him. After all this baby stuff was my biological clock moreso than his. He is fully behind it, but he asked me the other night if I was sure I wanted to go through with this, which means apparently I'm not hiding my fears very well. I said that I do; we're commited and barring major complications, there will be a new person in our household in January.
I hope it will be easier by the next ultrasound at the end of June. The Lima Bean will look more like a baby rather than a speck with a flashing heartbeat. And maybe after testing that day rules out any major issues, I can feel comfortable buying a thing or two.
I feel like such a bad mother for even thinking these thoughts, and now for writing them down. But they are what they are. I'm sure once Lima Bean gets here, all of these hesitations will drift away and it will be like with Alanna where she was such a miracle that there's not even a moment's thought to missing life before she was around. For now though they dance around in my head and I feel horridly guilty--well and exhausted.
8 years ago
Congratulations! I can sure understand the ambivalent feelings. Even when you're sure a change is what you really want, it's still scary. I sometimes wonder how life would be different if I had made different decisions and part of me regrets not having children - even though I am so NOT the mommy.
ReplyDeleteI wish you wonderful things and all the happiness in the world.