Monday, September 3, 2012

Last Day of Summer

We survived the MN State Fair for another year. A had a wonderful time and we got in the things on our list including watching two pet surgeries and eating some chicken fried bacon. As promised, there are smiling photos posted on FB and on the family photo website. Tomorrow begins 4th Grade for Alanna and I can't help but wonder where the time has gone. This year we had to work out the drop off/pick up schedule in such a way that I won't be here in the mornings to see her off. I can't quite entirely let go of control though and I have a hanging clothes organizer in her room with her clothes laid out for the week. She can choose whichever outfits she wants on a daily basis, but at least I'll be able to go to work knowing that she's matching. I've given J strict instructions on making sure he reminds her to brush her teeth and comb her hair. We'll see how that works out. There were several days when I was in the hospital before Archer was born that Alanna came to visit with J and her hair was in disarray and her clothes mismatched. Once her pants were even on backwards. That was definitely an adventure in letting go. I'll need to draw a bit on lessons learned to let go as she continues to grow up. I keep thinking she's not ready, that she's too young to do X or Y. Turns out it's probably me who's not ready to let her.


  1. I imagine that letting go is hard with kids. I'm not so good at letting go even with the cats...

  2. He's been texting me photos of her in the morning as they wait for the bus. They kill me a little because I'm missing those moments.

    It's funny because there are days I can't wait to have the house to myself and for them to be able to stay home without a babysitter so that I can go out to a movie, but I know I'll regret wishing those moments away when the time really comes.
